The Flying-yacht
The Flying-yacht project :
Even though it has the look of an airship, the Flying-Yacht is a whole new type of craft. It can cruise at altitudes of 30-90 meters above water, the Flying-Yacht is not an aircraft of any sort, it is a boat or ship. The Flying-Yacht can accommodate several dozen passengers and is destined to fly sightseeing rides. The concept introduced herein has a seating capacity of 40 people. It takes off and lands on water.
Other usages of such craft include transportation and air surveillance.
The upper part of the Flying-Yacht consists of several helium-filled envelopes. The passengers occupy the lower part. Unlike in a traditional airship structure, the passengers' area and the cockpit are inside the envelope and not in an outside gondola. The entire area is pressurized so as to preserve the hull rigidity. The passengers enter the aircraft through an airlock to keep the pressure constant.
People can board the Flying-Yacht through a boat or an adapted pontoon, and then by the lowered ramp. The Flying Ship isn't parked inside a hangar, it can stay afloat even under the harshest weather. Additional stability is obtained through a ballast-like tank filled with water in the lower part of the airship.
Meeting Hokan Colting :
Following the launch of my website and the posting of my “Flying Yacht” futuristic project, Canadian entrepreneur and airlift manufacturer Hokan Colting contacted me. He wanted me to develop a cabin design concept for his innovative aircraft project called Flying-Yacht. We found each other through the Internet thanks to the name similarity of our projects.
Colting gave me carte blanche for that. Once I familiarized myself with all the project characteristics, I came up with a layout for 40 passengers for the purpose of showing all the possible arrangements in passengers mode for sightseeing rides.
Hokan Colting is the founder and owner of Flying-Yachts Inc., which designs and develops the FlyingYacht. Colting is an aircraft designer and a skilled pilot who works in the airlift industry since 1988. Feel free to contact him if you want more information.
Flying-Yacht Inc.
1119 Ringwell Drive
Newmarket, Ontario
Canada, L3Y 8T8
Phone: (1) 905-898-6274
Fax: (1) 905-235-0809
Ground effect :
The Flying-Yacht is a heavier-than-air craft and takes off thanks to the ground effect generated by the two wings all across the fuselage. Ground effect is a phenomenon that results in an increased lift for wings when the craft is near the surface. The Flying-Yacht is thus floating on the resulting air-cushion between the wings and the water surface.
Many aircrafts are already taking advantage of the ground effect, but Hokan Colting's project is a pioneer project, and Colting has filed several patents to that effect. Aircrafts relying on ground effects are called WIG (Wing-in-ground effect), or “ekranoplan” for their Russian counterparts.
The Flying-Yacht combines ground effect with the partial buoyancy effect of the helium stored in its upper part. Its cruise altitude is 30 to 90 metres above water or above ground and itsfour electric motors provide a maximal speed of 110 kph.
The interior design :
This project is unique in many ways. The passengers' area is a very large and continuous space. Since the hull rigidity results from the cabin pressurization, there is no need to resort to structural elements across the cabin. Such a large cabin is hence the result of the innovative architecture of the craft.
The cabin's wall is in transparent polycarbonate sheets that ensure a 360° vision, perfectly suited for the flyover of landmarks. The passengers can thus walk across the large cabin while enjoying the panoramic scenery.
The layout of the craft features the following elements: the cockpit, the seating areas, the “panoramic wells”, the snack area, the bar, the panoramic seats, the lavatories, the airlock, the balconies and the ramp.

The cockpit :
The cockpit is in the fore, in the front of the cone-shaped section. A stairway separates it fromthe cabin. Such location at the bow ensures a smooth piloting thanks to the wide view.
The seating area :
The two rows of seats are in the front and the sides of the cabin. This layout structure can accommodate forty passengers. The seats are diagonally-oriented towards the outside of the cabin to ensure that every passenger benefits from an optimal view, without being disturbed by the seats in front of theirs.
Even though the seats are used during takeoff and landing, they are comfortable enough to be used during the entire flight.
The panoramic wells :
There are two large openings with transparent floors located at the front and the back of thecabin. When the FlyingYacht is flying, the passengers benefit from a vertical view, and when it is in ship mode, they can enjoy views of the sea bed or the underwater wildlife. The wells are surrounded by bench seats where people can sit right above the opening to fully appreciate the view.
The snack area :
There is an area for snacking between the seat rows. It consists of two tables and several bench seats that can accommodate many groups, small or large.
The bar :
Located near the snack area is the bar, which is oriented towards the front and the back in order to serve the entire cabin. It provides comfort for the passengers while generating additional revenue stream for the company.
The panoramic seats :
The passengers can seat in the panoramic seats in the sides of the cabin, either in normal sitting position or on their knees with the arms or the chest against a back specifically designed, where they overlook the space below.
The lavatories :
The two lavatories are near the entrance so that the passengers can quickly locate them as soon as they enter the cabin.
The airlock :
The passengers enter the airlock in groups of 10 accompanied by a crew member. Thanks to its architecture, the single airlock also leads to the 2 outside balconies through two stairways. The airlock is surrounded by panoramic seats at the back of the craft.
The balconies :
There are two balconies, one in each side of the fuselage. They can be deployed when the Flying-Yacht is on water in order to enjoy the open air.
The ramp :
The ramp at the stern of the Flying-Yacht spreads for the passengers' boarding. The passengers can board from a boat or an adapted pontoon.
The prototypes :
Prototypes constructed during the development are only 1/3 to 1/2 scale of the production versions.
The full presentation of the Flying-yacht concept with all pictures and texts available for downloading.
Interior design concept, external livery & 3D computer renderings by Yelken Octuri
All rights reserved
Flyingyacht concept, prototypes & prototype pictures by Hokan Colting / Flying-Yacht Inc.
All rights reserved